Capitaine DouDou - Martinique Gourmande


Official cocktail of Martinique Gourmande 2022

Capitaine DouDou

We are pleased to announce that the winning cocktail, thus becoming the official cocktail of Martinique Gourmande 2022, is Capitaine Doudou by mixologist Eddy Germain from Pamika Thai in Montreal.

Mixologist Eddy Germain from Pamika Thai, 2022 winner, surrounded by members of the jury: Antoine Vendette, consultant mixologist, Guénaël Revel, author-speaker and host, Fanny Gauthier, partner of Ateliers & Saveurs and Marilyne Demandre, co-founder of Invasion Cocktail. Congratulation!


– 2 oz of Trois Rivières Cuvée de l’Océan rum
– Blue Mountain Jamaica Coffee Beans
– 0.75 oz of fresh lime juice
– 0.50 oz homemade bergamot Earl Gray syrup
– 0.25 oz of banana and bergamot bitters


Put the cocktail in the blender, double strain.
Garnish with a banana leaf.

Enjoy your lunch!

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