Le Crimson - Martinique Gourmande

Le Crimson

Right in the heart of the Latin Quarter, Le Crimson is both a Cocktail Bar & Tattoo Shop

On the festival menu

Throughout the Martinique Gourmande Festival, le Crimson offers a signature cocktail : Le Paradis Martiniquais!

Le Paradis Martiniquais

  • Trois Rivieres rum
  • Coconut
  • Lime
  • Spices


Right in the heart of the Latin Quarter, Le Crimson is both a Cocktail Bar & Tattoo Shop with a cozy atmosphere. Enjoy a wide selection of exquisite cocktails, while admiring the portfolios of tattoo artists. The Crimson is the place where the art of the cocktail and the art of tattooing meet.

323 Rue Ontario E,
Montréal, QC H2X 1H7

Phone: 438 491-0275

Itinerary Website


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