Martinican Parmentier - Martinique Gourmande


2022 community-focused recipe adapted by chef Jérémie Jean-Baptiste

Martinican Parmentier

Potato, plantain and blaff cooked fish

Serve 10

Preparation time: 35 mn

Cooking time: 35 mn



10 g salt

4 limes (juice)

6 garlic cloves

2 bay leaves


1 liter of water


1 kg of white-fleshed fish

2 onions

3 cloves of garlic

2 sprigs of thyme

2 bay leaves

Salt and pepper

6 green onions


1.5kg potato

1 kg plantain (or sweet potato)

250ml coconut milk

100g butter

Salt and pepper


Marinate the fish in the marinade (6 to 12 h).

In a large pot, boil a good quantity of water with the onions, garlic, thyme, bay leaf and green onions for 15 to 20 minutes until everything is infused.

Poach the fish in the broth, then after having drained it, crumble the fish to arrange it in the bottom of a pan.

Mashed Potato and Plantain:

Cooking bananas: Cut the ends of the banana then with the tip of a knife make a cut all along the banana. Cut the banana into 2 or 3 sections. The banana should cook with its skin.

Like potatoes, bananas are cooked in salted water. The cooking sign of bananas? The skin peels off easily and the point of a knife goes in and out easily.

Mix the potatoes and the plantains (or the sweet potato) to make a puree to which we will add the coconut milk and the butter, season with salt and pepper. Keep a little of the cooking water from the potatoes to adjust the texture of the mash.

Place the puree mixture on the crumbled fish then bake to brown (you can sprinkle unsweetened coconut powder to brown).

Enjoy your lunch!

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